In honor of the weird holiday, National Girlfriends Day, I created a list of fun things to do with your girlfriends. And, not only is today National Girlfriends Day, but it is also a Wednesday. You’re probably thinking ok, Lauren, what’s the relation. Well, in case you aren’t familiar with movies or obsessed, like I am……


This is a quote from the movie Mean Girls, which is a hilarious. For National Girlfriends Day, I created a list of 34 fun things to do with your girlfriends. I know, 34 is random. It’s also my age, so we are rolling with it. I am officially naming this list the Girlfriends Bucket List. You can get your list, along with the mini Girlfriends Day Pack if you enter your email below. Ok. Here. We. Go.

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1. Watch Mean Girls & Make Pink Popcorn

I mean, it’s Wednesday and a holiday about girls, so I feel like Mean Girls is totally necessary. Besides being snarky and fun, it actually has rooted themes in confidence, uniqueness and supporting each other. Plus, if you pair this movie with some pink popcorn, you have a total theme going on, which I love. LOVE THEMES. The pink popcorn was created for a pairing with Legally Blonde, originally. But, it totally works for Mean Girls and Wednesdays.

2. Have an Art Afternoon

3. Go out for Fondue

I need to take my own advice on this one. My ultimate daytime activity dream is to dip things in cheese. I know fondue can also be chocolate, which I love too, but CHEESE. Research local restaurants in your neighborhood. Chances are one of them has fondue! If not, you can grab a fondue pot on Amazon and have your own fondue fest at home. Then after your fondue afternoon with friends, you can have future fondue afternoons at home alone – eating cheese with no shame – dipping everything and anything in it! Ahhhh. Cheese dreams.

4. Have a Silent Reading Party

Do you remember in elementary school, usually after lunch, when your teacher would have you do silent reading? Sometime is was called DEAR (drop everything and read) or SSR (silent sustained reading). Anyways, invite your friends over and have them bring a book. You could throw a bunch of cushions and blankets on the floor for everyone to sit on. Then have a reading party! If you want to get really crazy, you could have everyone bring a book and then swap books!

5. Volunteer Together

6. Host an at home Brunch with Mimosa Bar

7. Have a Living Room Dance Party

This sounds silly, and it is. But, it is sooooo fun. Gather your buds, make a playlist. If you need help with that see my post about creating a playlist. Anyways, create a playlist, get some fun twinkle lights, blacklights, or rope lights. Maybe grab a few items to make cocktails…and boogie down. Also, almost forgot to mention, move anything breakable in case you have a friend who dances wide.

8. Attend a Food Festival or Restaurant Week

9. Play MASH & Fortune Teller

We’ve all been to slumber parties. Some of us grew up in the 90’s, which is now a long time ago. Lol. Anyways, it was almost required, if you were a girl, to play MASH. It is the ultimate fortune teller, giving you predictions for how many kids you’ll have, careers, car type and of course, which celebrity you’ll marry. I made a fun three version MASH activity. It has “original” meaning 90’s version, “modern” or things relevant to today, and a blank one for you to fill in.

A second activity is the fortune teller. If you had notebook paper and a pen, you could predict someone’s fortune with this little guy. The one I made is 90’s movie themed. Get nostalgic, play MASH, fortune teller and maybe throw in a few board games. Does anyone still have the board game Mall Madness? SO GREAT.

10. Recreate Your Favorite Party from the Movies

This is another idea I like to have fun with. Pick a party scene from one of your favorite movies and recreate it. It doesn’t have to be super complicated. It can be kind of simple, actually. I wrote a post for recreating the end scene in Footloose. You can use a few props/decorations, create a playlist, and encourage your girlfriends to dress in theme.

11. Go to a Paint and Sip or Have one at Home

12. Try a New Fitness Class like Aerial Yoga or Pound

Ok. I am not, at all, coordinated. I am terribly unfit. But, trying a new class with your girlfriends is the perfect way to expand your fitness routine. My friend and I tried a Pound class. It was super fun and something I might not have tried on my own. (She also talked me into a spin class. Boy, is that challenging. Shout out to the spin girls. You guys are hardcore). Back to Pound. This is a fun aerobic class that involves Pop Rock music and drumsticks. You get to use weighted drumsticks and tap them according to the direction of the instructor. I found myself focusing on the tapping and pounding so much, that I didn’t realize I did 150 squats. (The teacher told me after the class. For real. 150).

So, try something new! Go to Aerial Yoga, TRX, Spin, anything! If you don’t have a gym membership and can’t find a place to drop in, you could always get yourself a Pound Kit and do it at home together!

30 things to do with girlfriends - pound

13. Tour and Take Pictures of Architecture in your Hometown

This may have been a homework assignment of mine from when I went to school for Architectural Technology, but it is actually very fun. There are so many different styles of Architecture throughout the nation. Explore your town/city and find the interesting, unusual, unique structures that make your home so cool. You can take pictures, or just go look around. Either way, it’s a great way to spend and afternoon for with your girlfriends. This is not my hometown, it’s Chicago, but you get the idea:

university of chicago architecture- things to do with your girlfriends

14. Create a Little Succulent Garden

Succulents are a great plant to have at home. The reason is that succulents are very hearty. They are survivors. You don’t have to water them often, so they’re easy. With your girlfriends, go to a nursery, or Lowe’s/Home Depot and pick up some succulents. You’ll also need pots, dirt, and gloves. Then come home and get to planting. If your strapped for ideas or paranoid you’re doing it wrong (me), you can find videos on YouTube and ideas on Pinterest.

15. Run a 5K or Mud Run

I will tell you for being completed nonathletic, I end up doing a lot of sporty things. This is because of my sister. And, sometimes, dad. Anyways, running a 5k is like 100x more fun with friends. If you are like me and don’t run, ever, you could look up one of those “couch to 5k” training programs on Pinterest. It will layout a routine for building up your endurance. In case you are wondering, a 5k is 3.1 miles. You and your girlfriends could even meet up to train too! If you pick a fun 5k, you could try a color run, get a medal or even run through mud! Oh the experience!

16. Go See a Cover Band

17. Compete in an Escape Room

18. Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

19. Go to a Retreat: Fitness, Religious, Girl’s Weekend

My ultimate girlfriends goal is to go on a yoga retreat somewhere like Costa Rica or another exotic locale. There are some resorts (even in the US, you don’t have to get a passport) that have these types of retreats already set up. They are usually all inclusive and feature activities, mind/body classes and great food.  For your viewing pleasure, my sister:

things to do with your girlfriends - road trip - sister packing the car

20. Clean Out Your Closet & Swap

This idea accomplishes two things. You clean your closet. I’m sure it’s needed….don’t lie. AND, you can get new stuff! Go through your closet and create two piles: donate and trash. Ditch the trash and get together with your girlfriend and have a swap with your “donate” items. The leftovers can actually be donated!

21. Meal Prep for the Week

22. Redecorate a Room

23. Attend a Movie in the Park

24. Go on a Road Trip

25. Try Something from Pinterest

We’ve all heard of Pinterest fails, right? Well, isn’t it better to fail as a group? You and your girlfriends can get together and actually try some of that stuff you save on Pinterest! You’ll feel productive, creative and maybe even confident if you succeed! Or, you’ll at least have some laughs. I tried to make a Mario question mark square surprise cake. It weighed like 50 pounds, tasted like a stick of butter and looked like a droopy pillow, not a cube. But, we persist!

an idea we tried from pinterest - things to do with your girlfriends

26. Choreograph a Dance to the It Song Right Now

27. Go Hunting for Things to Sell Online

Retail arbitrage! It sounds so intense. Lol. It is basically stalking clearance items in retail stores and reselling them online. You may not make a million dollars, but you can maybe make a little money and have a fun afternoon shopping with your girlfriends. I have a friend, Vanessa – hey girl!,and, when we get together, we are always plotting side hustles!

28. Get Dressed Up and Go to a Fancy Restaurant

29. Be a Kid – Hula Hoop, Lay Down in the Grass, Get Some Sidewalk Chalk

30. Create Vision Boards

This is fun! You can create your vision boards electronically via Pinterest. You can see mine here. Or, you can actually go through magazines and cut out paper to create a collage. Feel free to draw in things too, add words, whatever you want. It’s your vision!

Phew! What a list! It is time to plan something with your girlfriends. It doesn’t have to be today but get inspired to start checking these items off of your Girlfriends Bucket List. If you want a free download of this list, complete with boxes to cross off AND some fun Mean Girls items like a desktop wallpaper and stickers, enter your email below! You’ll also get occasional email updates from the blog like new posts and fun freebies. So, what do you think? Is there an item on your girlfriends bucket list that’s different from above? Comment below!


  1. This is so fun! My friends and I are planning a girls trip for next spring and I’m saving this to add to our weekend itinerary!

    • Oh fun!! Love the road trip idea (clearly). Lol. Please share on instagram! So excited for you.

  2. So many great ideas here, I now just want to phone up my girlfriends and do them all!! Think I’ll start with the mimosa brunch! 😉 x

    • What a great place to start! lol. I approve. I think we should all have a virtual Sunday Mimosa Brunch…..hmmm.

  3. This looks like an amazing list! I just had a girls getaway with 11 women I knew 30 years ago. One evening I made two cheese fondues and another lady made chocolate fondue. It was an awesome evening of good food and good friendship!

    • Wow! That sounds awesome. I love cheese and chocolate. It’s hard to choose, so I totally get why you guys just went for it! <3

    • Lol. I know, right? I think all us 90’s kids are in the nostalgia stage. At least I am! Thanks for reading!

  4. I love, love this list! I’ve been actually looking for some new “date” night ideas for myself and my girlfriends. We all seem to get stuck in the same lunch/dinner routines at the same restaurants. Saving this for later!

    • Right?! A lot of them still involve food, lol. But, hopefully some new stuff! How fun! You’ll have to share on Instagram or Facebook your girl “dates”. Which is a super cute term btw.

  5. Love ALL of these so much!! I cannot wait to do some of these with my friends!

  6. This is such a great list, and I need to go do more of these things with my girlfriends. Now I want pink popcorn…

    • Lol. I always want pink popcorn! It was my favorite out of all the popcorn recipes I tried. My friend that helped me liked the cinnamon roll best though. To each her own! Thanks!

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